We are passionate and enthusiastic Gamers united with the Mission & Vision of building an Esports Community to empower the Gamers out there. XNTRIX GAMING was developed with the intention of enhancing the growth of Esports in our society. We aspire to establish Esports as a publicly accepted sport and brand the competitive gamers to be identified as athletes within society and thus put a halt to our society's deplorable attitude towards Esports and Gaming. Well, GAMING IS NOT A CRIME! So LET'S UPHOLD THE ESPORTS UPRISING together.
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The misconception of our society about Gaming as a crime have to be changed. Truely talented and passionate Gamers are not getting acknowledged in our society, but rather being repudiated. We here at XNTRIX GAMING will intensively work hard to provide oppurtunities for the Gamers to showcase their talent to the public audience and then let the public judge the Gamer's talent rather than their passion for Gaming. We also aspire to create a sense of belongingness to the Gamers through our Esports Community. Also we do not support the over use of electronic gadgets for gaming and do not promote addiction to any electronic video games to any extent in any manner. We counsel a healthy way of approach for Gaming with a proper schedule and regulated time bound for Gaming.